I am a pianist, saxophonist, singer, songwriter and artist. Here’s how it all started.
To this point in my life, the best decision I ever made was picking up the saxophone in sixth grade band class and saying “I wanna play that,” to my band director. The saxophone rocks, and was considered mildly cool, even in the harsh confines of middle school. I was already lucky to grow up with a dad who played piano and listened to rock n’ roll music and a mom who would buy me a piano and set a timer for me to play at least 15 minutes a day.
Another stroke of luck was coming of age before the time of smartphones. So I spent most of my childhood doodling on notepads, napkins, and whatever paper I could get my hands to pass the time when I was drug along to run errands. It became evident early on that I could pick up music, by ear, and I learned the piano that way. I’d hear a ZZ Top song, “Sharped Dress Man,” was an early favorite, or I’d hear the soundtrack for Pirates of The Caribbean, and the next day I’d just sit down and play it on the piano. One time my dad asked “how do you that?” and I shrugged my shoulders and said “I just hear it and can play it.” The art went the same way. I could just draw.
I was born and raised in Corpus Christi, which is a sleepy city with a bunch of refineries, tanker ships and pelicans, on the Texas Gulf Coast. I moved to Austin in 2012 to seek my fortune at The University of Texas where I managed to scrape the grades together to get my BBA from McCombs School of Business in 2016. I received a Marketing Degree, which means I have a diploma sitting in file box somewhere. I don’t usually tell people this at my rock n’ roll shows, so please keep that on the down low.
Anyway, for about a year and a half I tried my hand at a 9 to 5 job where I made lots of phone calls, drank lots of coffee, played more ping pong than was advisable, and secretly scanned the local music listings, wishing I was onstage. I was already moonlighting as a saxophonist, pestering the old timers who played blues and soul music to let me onstage. Somewhere in that tumultuous time, I started jotting down my own lyrics. First I’d play my songs in secret, and slowly I started to share them with others, and within a couple years I made the jump to doing music full-time. There’s more to that story with lots of trials, tribulations and a brief stint where I was a cookie delivery driver to make ends meet.
So, here I am, a 26 year old self-taught pianist, saxophonist, bandleader, songwriter, and visual artist. I’m standing on my own two feet somehow, with a lot of love and understanding from my family and friends. In this site you’ll find videos of my touring band and myself onstage. I also have my hand-drawn art portfolio, my show schedule, some nice press articles where good people took the time to talk about my music and write about the band. There’s also links to social media, and an email list that I occasionally remember exists.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non finibus tellus. Donec laoreet ipsum vel eleifend tempor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non finibus tellus. Donec laoreet ipsum vel eleifend tempor. Suspendisse eu suscipit enim. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non finibus tellus. Donec laoreet ipsum vel eleifend tempor.